It was the shop's 2nd time at the Slinging Ink Tattoo Expo(San Antonio, Tx) and overall it was a success. It was a slow start on friday, but by the time the rest of the crew showed up on saturday, it was on. I was the 1st to hit the chair to work on my chest piece. We finished a 2nd rose and had a 2nd session on my rose buds.

Two of Siegoe's other chest pieces also showed up. Gerald with his skull piece and Tom with his angels. Tom was a repeat customer from last year.His experience went so well the year before that he came back to get tatted again at the convention.
From Lupio's colorful pieces to Siegoe's letters and portraits, compliments were flying from left and right. Everyone was very happy with thier work. I made my rounds and got many compliments from other respectable artists on Siegoe's roses. It's always nice to be complimented by other shops who know what real art is. By Sunday we were all exhausted but we had a great time and it was a good experience for everyone. Can't wait until next year!
Here are some highlights and a few of the many tats that were done.
Portrait by Mr. Siegoe
Dove by Mr. Siegoe
Tribal by Lupio
Angel by Lupio
Tom: Repeat Offender of Slinging Ink Expo
The Birds
Shorty and Big Bird
Shorty and Blue Genie
After party at The Basement
MC Rico Bomba and Mr Siegoe
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Shorty and Big Bird
Shorty and Blue Genie
After party at The Basement
MC Rico Bomba and Mr Siegoe
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