The convention seemed a lil smaller than we expected but despite the smaller crowd this year, we still managed to stay busy and at one point even over booked.
I got off to quick start with a classic cursive script, this was just a warm up for a portrait of Ben Franklin and Killer Chef piece.
Lupio wasnt so lucky, his warm up was a full color "Samurai Rose"
followed by a Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo.
We where so busy we ended up doing a "threesome"with a client just to make sure we got every one in.
It was a great day the place was packed and we even got a visit from some of our friends and esteemed clients from Austin.

The highlight of the weekend was winning a the 3rd place award for best portrait.
Its not 1st place but considering it was an incomplete tattoo my first time competing in that category.
I would like to thank the Acadamy..j/k but I wanted to thank all of our Austin friends that came out to support us and special thanks to my friend Gerald for helping me out throughout the day.